
Changes to Bradford Council planning committees with reduced local input are not within the spirit of localism, claims an Ilkley councillor.This women has no idea what she is talking about spirt of localism  dosent exist as far as the Council are concerned .The planning committees do as they are told to do by the council they are employed by they don't listen to the electorate.

Bradford Council are going to publish the details of all the Section 106 Agreements and where the money will or has been spent,I wonder if they will publish the amounts left over in wards that are moved to another ward for them to spend? The amount of section 106 monies that has supposedly been spent on Harold Park for example well that park should be paved with gold .The purpose of a section 106 agreement is to put something back into the community that is affected by a development , the council should be asking what is is the community needs  and not what the council wants. Take a look at section 106 agreements see how many times they take monies for the same park or school over and over again.
Now this page is called Planning Policy and Poulson and some of you may not know who Poulson is so for those of you who don't I will give a brief history.John Poulson was a architect  who did a lot of work in Bradford  the creator of our concrete jungle and destroyer of some of our  fine architecture  the following exert  is from Wikipedia if you want to read more follow the link .
On 22 June 1973 Poulson was arrested and charged with corruption in connection with the award of building contracts. Following a 52-day trial at Leeds which was widely reported in the press, he was convicted on 11 February 1974 of fraud and jailed for five years (later increased to seven years). Sentencing him, the judge called Poulson an "incalculably evil man". For his part, Poulson denied the charges, saying "I have been a fool, surrounded by a pack of leeches. I took on the world on its own terms, and no one can deny I once had it in my fist". Many of his contacts, notably .Dan .Smith  and George Pottinger, were similarly convicted and jailed, though not the three MPs: it was found that there was a legal loophole through which Members of Parliament could not be considered as in charge of public funds. The Poulson scandals did much to force the House of Commons  to initiate a Register of Members' Interests. A subsequent Select Committee inquiry which reported in 1977 found that all three had indulged in "conduct inconsistent with the standards which the House is entitled to expect from its Members". Cordle was forced to resign although the Commons then voted only to 'take note' of the Committee's report rather than endorsing it.

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